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Литература для врачей по стоматологии

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Сообщения: 1
Дата регистрации: 28 окт 2017, 19:18

Литература для врачей по стоматологии

Сообщение Блефаропластика62 » 28 окт 2017, 19:23

Уважаемые коллеги, имеется литература по всем разделам стоматологии на английском, русском и испанском языках за 2014-2017 гг.:

Список для Вас:


1. A. Bahreman - Early-Age Orthodontic Treatment
2. B. Melsen - Adult Orthodontics
3. Bhavna Shroff - Biology of Orthodontic Tooth Movement
4. Chung How Kau - Three-Dimensional Imaging for Orthodontics and Maxillofacial Surgery
5. D. Buser - ITI Treatment Guide. Implant Dentistry (4 Volume set)
6. Daljit S. Gill - Orthodontics at a Glance
7. Daljit S. Gill - Orthodontics
8. Daniel M. Laskin - Temporomandibular Disorders
9. Eustaquio A. Araujo - Recognizing and Correcting Developing Malocclusions
10. F. Grist - Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing
11. Guilherme Janson - Open-Bite Malocclusion
12. Irwin M. Becker - Comprehensive Occlusal Concepts in Clinical Practice
13. Jeffrey C. Posnick - Principles and Practice of Orthognathic Surgery
14. J. Harfin - Achieving Clinical Success in Lingual Orthodontics
15. J. Okeson - Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion
16. J. Okeson - Tratamiento de Oclusion y Afecciones Temporomandibulares (Испанский язык)
17. Joseph E. Losee - Comprehensive Cleft Care (Second edition, 2 Volume set)
18. K. Breuning - Digital Planning and Custom Orthodontic Treatment
19. L. Mitchell - An Introduction to Orthodontics (2013)
20. Lee W. Graber - Orthodontics. Current Principles and Techniques (Fifth edition)
21. Louis G. Mercuri - Temporomandibular Joint Total Joint Replacement – TMJ TJR
22. M. Pimenidis - The Neurobiology of Orthodontics
23. Martyn T. Cobourne - Cleft Lip and Palate
24. Martyn T. Cobourne - Clinical Cases in Orthodontics
25. Mani Alikhani - Clinical Guide to Accelerated Orthodontics
26. M. Piancino - Understanding Masticatory Function in Unilateral Crossbites
27. Marjan Askari - Atlas of Orthodontic Case Reviews (2017)
28. Richard Cousley - The Orthodontic Mini-implant Clinical Handbook
29. Peter Heasman - Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
30. Peter D. Quinn - Atlas of Temporomandibular Joint Surgery
31. Pietro Caruso - Cone Beam CT and 3D Imaging
32. P. Ngan - Orthodontic Treatment of Class III Malocclusion
33. R. Nanda - Atlas of Complex Orthodontics (2017)
34. R. Nanda - Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics (Second edition)
35. Robin Gray - Temporomandibular Disorders
36. Samuel Berkowitz - Cleft Lip and Palate (2nd edition)
37. Sunil D. Kapila - Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics
38. Theodore Eliades - Self-Ligation in Orthodontics
39. Thomas E. Southard - Orthodontics in the Vertical Dimension (2015)
40. T. Eliades - Research Methods in Orthodontics
41. Vinod Krishnan - Integrated Clinical Orthodontics
42. William Proffit - Contemporary Orthodontics (5th Edition)
43. William Proffit - Ortodoncia Contemporanea (5a Edicion, Испанский язык)

Челюстно-лицевая хирургия

44. Raymond J. Fonseca - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Third edition, 3 Volume set, 2018)
45. B. Koong - Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
46. B. Niemiec - Veterinary Periodontology and Oral Maxillofacial Disease (2 books)
47. Brad W. Neville - Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (2016)
48. C. Haggerty - Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
49. Chung How Kau - Three-Dimensional Imaging for Orthodontics and Maxillofacial Surgery
50. Crispian Scully - Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine
51. D. Lam - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review
52. Frank Verstraete - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats
53. G. Mitra - Illustrated Manual of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
54. J. Ferri - Preprosthetic and Maxillofacial Surgery
55. J. Hupp - Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
56. J. Hupp - Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial Contemporanea (6 edicion, Испанский язык)
57. John D. Langdon - Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
58. Lars Andersson - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
59. M. Miloro - Management of Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
60. M. Motamedi - A Textbook of Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
61. M. Perry - Atlas of Operative Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery (2014)
62. Peter A. Brennan - Maxillofacial Surgery (Third edition, 2017)
63. Peter J. Taub - Ferraros Fundamentals of Maxillofacial Surgery (2015)
64. В. Малышев — Переломы челюстей
65. В. Козлов — Оперативная челюстно-лицевая хирургия и стоматология


66. A. Piattelli - Bone Response to Dental Implant Materials
67. A. Sethi - Practical Implant Dentistry
68. A. Wennerberg - Implant Surfaces and their Biological and Clinical Impact
69. Abd El Salam El Askary - Fundamentals of Esthetic Implant Dentistry
70. C. Drago - Implant Laboratory Procedures
71. C. Wadhwani - Cementation in Dental Implantology
72. Craig Misch - Dental Implant Prosthetics
73. D. Buser - ITI Treatment Guide. Implant Dentistry (4 Volume set)
74. Daniel R. Cullum - Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Surgery (2016)
75. Edward Dwayne Karateew - Implant Aesthetics (2017)
76. Gerard Byrne - Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry
77. Hamid R. Shafie - Clinical and Laboratory Manual of Dental Implant Abutments
78. I. Turkyilmaz - Implant Dentistry. A Rapidly Evolving Practice
79. Jacques Malet - Implant Dentistry. At a Glance
80. Jay R. Beagle - Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry
81. L. Chambrone - Evidence-Based Periodontal and Peri-Implant Plastic Surgery
82. L. Tolstunov - Vertical Alveolar Ridge Augmentation in Implant Dentistry
83. M. Block - Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery
84. M. Cehreli - Biomechanics of Dental Implants. Handbook for Researchers
85. M. Torabinejad - Principles and Practice of Single Implant and Restoration (2014)
86. Michael Sonick - Implant Site Development
87. Niklaus P. Lang - Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (Sixth edition)
88. Pankaj P. Singh - Atlas of Oral Implantology
89. Peter K. Moy - Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry. Surgical Principles (2016)
90. Q. Li - Biomaterials for Implants and Scaffolds
91. R. Heimann - Bioceramic Coatings for Medical Implants
92. Richard Cousley - The Orthodontic Mini-implant Clinical Handbook
93. Richard M. Palmer - Implants in Clinical Dentistry
94. S. Froum - Dental Implant Complications
95. Steven J. Sadowsky - Evidence-based Implant Treatment Planning and Clinical Protocols
96. Susan S. Wingrove - Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist
97. Tom Kenny - The Nuts and Bolts of Implantable Device Therapy Pacemakers
98. Victor I. Sendax - Mini Dental Implants
99. Z. Stajcic - Atlas of Implant Dentistry and Tooth-Preserving Surgery


100. A. Castellucci - Endodontics (2 Volume set)
101. A. Kishen - Nanotechnology in Endodontics
102. Ashraf F. Fouad - Endodontic Microbiology
103. B. Basrani - Endodontic Irrigation. Chemical Disinfection of the Root Canal System
104. B. Patel - Endodontic Diagnosis, Pathology and Treatment Planning
105. Giovanni Olivi - Lasers in Endodontics
106. Gunnar Bergenholtz - Endodoncia (Испанский язык)
107. Gunnar Bergenholtz - Textbook of Endodontology (Second edition)
108. I. Tsesis - Complications in Endodontic Surgery
109. John Rhodes - Advanced Endodontics
110. L. Tronstad - Clinical Endodontics (3rd edition)
111. M. Fayad - 3D Imaging in Endodontics
112. Michael A. Baumann - Endodontology
113. Mahmoud Torabinejad - Endodontics. Principles and Practice
114. N. Baba - Contemporary Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth
115. N. Chugal - Endodontic Prognosis
116. P. Jain - Current Therapy in Endodontics
117. Peter Murray - A Concise Guide to Endodontic Procedures (2015)
118. Shanon Patel - Pitt Ford’s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology
119. Syngcuk Kim - Microsurgery in Endodontics

Ортопедическая стоматология и протезирование

120. Stephen F. Rosenstiel - Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics (Fifth edition, 2016)
121. Arnold Hohmann - Principles of Design and Fabrication in Prosthodontics (2016)
122. Manuel Donado Rodriguez - Donado. Cirugia Bucal (4a edicion, Испанский язык)
123. Joseph J. Massad - Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics
124. N. Baba - Journal of Prosthodontics on Complex Restorations
125. John D. Jones - Removable Partial Dentures
126. James Zhijian Shen - Advanced Ceramics for Dentistry (2014)
127. Pankaj P. Singh - Atlas of Oral Implantology
128. Radi Masri - Clinical Applications of Digital Dental Technology
129. Steven J. Sadowsky - Evidence-based Implant Treatment Planning and Clinical Protocols
130. С. Наумович - Ортопедическая стоматология (2 части)


131. Bing Shi - Cleft Lip and Palate Primary Repair
132. B. M. Eley - Periodoncia (6 edicion, Испанский язык)
133. Kenneth M. Hargreaves - Cohen Vias de la Pulpa (Испанский язык)
134. Linda Greenwall - Tooth Whitening Techniques (2017)
135. D. Steinbacher, J. Portnof - First Aid for NBDE (2 Parts, Third edition)
136. Z. Siddique - The Dental Foundation Interview Guide (2016)
137. R. Nanda - Atlas of Complex Orthodontics (2017)
138. F. Naini - Orthognathic Surgery (2017)
139. Z. Stajcic - Atlas of Implant Dentistry and Tooth-Preserving Surgery (2017)
140. G. Koch - Pediatric Dentistry (2017)
141. M. Fayad - 3D Imaging in Endodontics
142. Herbert F. Wolf - Color Atlas of Dental Medicine. Periodontology
143. D. Dunning - Dental Practice Transition
144. A. Bahreman - Early-Age Orthodontic Treatment
145. B. Melsen - Adult Orthodontics
146. A. Kishen - Nanotechnology in Endodontics
147. A. Schuurs - Pathology of the Hard Dental Tissues
148. A. Becker - Treatment of Impacted Teeth
149. A. Sethi - Practical Implant Dentistry
150. A. Wennerberg - Implant Surfaces and their Biological and Clinical Impact
151. Arnold Hohmann - Principles of Design and Fabrication in Prosthodontics (2016)
152. Abd El Salam El Askary - Fundamentals of Esthetic Implant Dentistry
153. Alexandrina L. Dumitrescu - Chemicals in Surgical Periodontal Therapy
154. Amr M. Moursi - Clinical Cases in Pediatric Dentistry
155. A. Dumitrescu - Antibiotics and Antiseptics in Periodontal Therapy
156. J. Hupp - Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
157. Angus C. Cameron - Handbook of Pediatric Dentistry
158. Ann Felton - Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion
159. Arnold Hohmann - Foundations of Dental Technology Anatomy and Physiology
160. Arthur R. Hand - Fundamentals of Oral Histology and Physiology
161. Ashraf Ayoub - Handbook of Orthognathic Treatment
162. Ashraf F. Fouad - Endodontic Microbiology
163. B. Patel - Endodontic Diagnosis, Pathology and Treatment Planning
164. David S. Frey - Smile 360. A Patient's Guide to Cosmetic Dentistry
165. Basrani - Endodontic Irrigation. Chemical Disinfection of the Root Canal System
166. Isselhard - Anatomy of Orofacial Structures
167. Niemiec - Veterinary Periodontology and Oral Maxillofacial Disease (2 books)
168. Hollins - Basic Guide to Anatomy and Physiology for Dental Care Professionals
169. Hollins - Diploma in Dental Nursing (Level 3)
170. Hollins - Levisons Textbook for Dental Nurses (11th edition)
171. C. M. Dofka - Dental Terminology. Cengage Learning
172. C. Drago - Implant Laboratory Procedures
173. C. Wadhwani - Cementation in Dental Implantology
174. C. Haggerty - Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
175. C. Michael Bowers - Forensic Dental Evidence. An Investigators Handbook
176. Craig M. Misch - Dental Implant Prosthetics
177. C. Streckfus - Advances in Salivary Diagnostics
178. Crispian Scully - Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine
179. Miles - Atlas of Cone Beam Imaging for Dental Applications
180. David O. Willis - Business Basics for Dentists
181. Daniel R. Cullum - Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Surgery (2016)
182. Deborah A. Termeie - Periodontal Review
183. Demetra Daskalos Logothetis - Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist
184. G. Weinstein - The Dental Reference Manual
185. Edward W. Odell - Clinical Problem. Solving in Dentistry
186. Ellen Dietz - Safety Standards and Infection Control for Dental Hygienists
187. Eric W. Baker - Head and Neck Anatomy for Dental Medicine
188. Ece Eden - Evidence-Based Caries Prevention
189. Estella Bohmer - Dentistry in Rabbits and Rodents
190. Evelyn M. Thomson - Case Studies in Dental Hygiene
191. Fragiskos D. Fragiskos - Oral Surgery
192. F. Grist - Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing
193. G. Carpenter - Dry Mouth
194. G. Swennen - Three-Dimensional Cephalometry
195. Gerard Byrne - Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry
196. G. Tarantola - Clinical Cases in Restorative and Reconstructive Dentistry
197. G. Mitra - Illustrated Manual of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
198. Badrinatheswar - Pedodontics Practice and Management
199. I. Turkyilmaz - Implant Dentistry. A Rapidly Evolving Practice
200. Scott - Anthropological Perspectives on Tooth Morphology
201. George Laskaris - Color Atlas of Oral Diseases in Children and Adolescents
202. Goran Koch - Pediatric Dentistry. A Clinical Approach
203. Graham J. Mount - Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure (2016)
204. Giovanni Olivi - Lasers in Endodontics
205. Gottfried Schmalz - Biocompatibility of Dental Materials
206. Hamid R. Shafie - Clinical and Laboratory Manual of Dental Implant Abutments
207. Hardy Limeback - Comprehensive Preventive Dentistry
208. Harsh Mohan - Pathology Practical Book for Dental Students
209. Heinrich Iro - Atlas of Head and Neck Ultrasound
210. Ignazio Pandolfo - Orthopantomography (2014)
211. I. Kjaer - Etiology-Based Dental and Craniofacial Diagnostics
212. I. Tsesis - Complications in Endodontic Surgery
213. Irfan Ahmad - Protocols for Predictable Aesthetic Dental Restorations
214. J. Reyneke - Essentials of Orthognathic Surgery
215. Jacques Malet - Implant Dentistry. At a Glance
216. Joseph E. Losee - Comprehensive Cleft Care (Second edition, 2 Volume set)
217. J. Andreasen - Textbook and Color Atlas of Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth
218. Jain Malkin - Medical and Dental Space Planning. Guide to Design
219. James Zhijian Shen - Advanced Ceramics for Dentistry (2014)
220. J. Harfin - Achieving Clinical Success in Lingual Orthodontics
221. Joseph J. Massad - Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics
222. Jane A. Soxman - Handbook of Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry
223. J. Okeson - Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion
224. Jay R. Beagle - Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry
225. Jessica Blayden - Soft-Tissue Lasers in Dental Hygiene
226. Joel Ferri - Preprosthetic and Maxillofacial Surgery
227. Joen M. Iannucci - Dental Radiography. Principles and Techniques
228. John D. Jones - Removable Partial Dentures
229. John D. Langdon - Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
230. John Rhodes - Advanced Endodontics
231. K. D. Tripathi - Essentials of Pharmacology for Dentistry
232. K. Anusavice - Phillips Science of Dental Materials
233. K. Breuning - Digital Planning and Custom Orthodontic Treatment
234. K. Subramani - Emerging Nanotechnologies in Dentistry
235. Kanchan M. Ganda - Dentist’s Guide to Medical Conditions
236. Kenneth M. Hargreaves - Cohens Pathways of the Pulp (11th Edition)
237. Kenneth W. Aschheim - Esthetic Dentistry. A Clinical Approach
238. Klaus Rotzscher - Forensic and Legal Dentistry
239. Leslie DeLong - General and Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist
240. L. Chambrone - Evidence-Based Periodontal and Peri-Implant Plastic Surgery
241. Linda K. McLoon - Craniofacial Muscles
242. L. Tolstunov - Vertical Alveolar Ridge Augmentation in Implant Dentistry
243. L. Mitchell - An Introduction to Orthodontics
244. L. Tronstad - Clinical Endodontics (3rd edition)
245. Lisa Ahmann - Dental Hygiene. Theory and Practice
246. M. Cehreli - Biomechanics of Dental Implants. Handbook for Researchers
247. M. Gladwin - Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials
248. M. Glick - Burkets Oral Medicine
249. M. Sunico-Segarra - A Practical Clinical Guide to Resin Cements
250. N. Baba - Contemporary Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth
251. M. Jurczyk - Bionanomaterials for Dental Applications
252. M. Kesting - Oral Cancer Surgery. A Visual Guide
253. M. Block - Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery
254. M. L. Darby - Mosbys Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene
255. M. Lewis - A Colour Handbook of Oral Medicine
256. M. Miloro - Management of Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
257. M. Perry - Atlas of Operative Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery
258. M. Pimenidis - The Neurobiology of Orthodontics
259. M. Torabinejad - Principles and Practice of Single Implant and Restoration
260. Mahindra Kumar Anand - Human Anatomy for Dental Students
261. Marie D. George - Ultrasonic Periodontal Debridement
262. Margaret J. Fehrenbach - Saunders Review of Dental Hygiene
263. Martin Greenberg - Burkets Oral Medicine
264. Martin Levine - Topics in Dental Biochemistry
265. Michael Sonick - Implant Site Development
266. Monty Duggal - Paediatric Dentistry at a Glance
267. Nicola Rogers - Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing
268. N. Chugal - Endodontic Prognosis
269. N. Cohenca - Disinfection of Root Canal Systems
270. Niklaus P. Lang - Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (Sixth edition)
271. N. Baba - Journal of Prosthodontics on Complex Restorations
272. N. Duzgunes - Medical Microbiology and Immunology for Dentistry
273. O. Ibsen - Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist
274. P. Babaji - Crowns in Pediatric Dentistry
275. P. Jain - Current Therapy in Endodontics
276. P. Mehra - Manual of Minor Oral Surgery for the General Dentist
277. P. Aka - Primary Tooth Development in Infancy
278. P. Friedman - Geriatric Dentistry
279. Peter D. Quinn - Atlas of Temporomandibular Joint Surgery
280. P. Dawson - Functional Occlusion
281. P. Ngan - Orthodontic Treatment of Class III Malocclusion
282. Peter Heasman - Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
283. Peter K. Moy - Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry. Surgical Principles (2016)
284. Peter J. Taub - Ferraros Fundamentals of Maxillofacial Surgery
285. Peter Murray - A Concise Guide to Endodontic Procedures
286. Phil Jevon - Basic Guide to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice
287. Pieter J. Slootweg - Dental Pathology. A Practical Introduction
288. R. Ongole - Textbook of Oral Medicine. Oral Diagnosis and Oral Radiology
289. Radi Masri - Clinical Applications of Digital Dental Technology (2015)
290. R. Heimann - Bioceramic Coatings for Medical Implants
291. R. Sakaguchi - Craigs Restorative Dental Materials
292. Raj Rattan - The Business of Dentistry
293. Ricardo D. Bennun - Cleft Lip and Palate Management (2016)
294. Richard Cousley - The Orthodontic Mini-implant Clinical Handbook
295. Richard J. Miron - Platelet Rich Fibrin in Regenerative Dentistry (2017)
296. Richard M. Palmer - Implants in Clinical Dentistry
297. Richard Welbury - Paediatric Dentistry
298. Robert P. Langlais - Color Atlas of Common Oral Diseases
299. S. Chandra - Textbook of Dental and Oral Histology with Embryology
300. S. Dibart - Practical Advanced Periodontal Surgery
301. Serge Dibart - Practical Periodontal Plastic Surgery
302. S. Namour - Atlas of Current Oral Laser Surgery
303. Stephen K. Harrel - Minimally Invasive Periodontal Therapy
304. Stanley J. Nelson - Wheelers Dental Anatomy Physiology and Occlusion
305. Straumann - Протезирование на имплантатах
306. S. Froum - Dental Implant Complications
307. Susan S. Wingrove - Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist
308. Tony Johnson - Techniques in Complete Denture Technology
309. T. Eliades - Research Methods in Orthodontics
310. Victor I. Sendax - Mini Dental Implants. Principles and Practice
311. Yoshiki Oshida - Bioscience and Bioengineering of Titanium Materials
312. Z. Zhou - Dental Biotribology

Приобрести их можно по ссылке ниже:
https://bookerplanet.ru/product-categor ... atologiya/

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